Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final notes:

     Just some final notes for you on how to grow tomatoes. Flowering plants need a stronger light to grow properly developed fruit. Additionally, always use a little lime in the transplant soil to prevent blossom end rot. A dose of Cal-Mag once your tomatoes have fruit set would be a good idea. Finally, the vines that grow from leaf axials are called suckers.  They should be pruned off throughout flowering. "Suckers", suck up food that would normally be used to grow nice tomatoes. In 60 to 80 days you should be enjoying some homemade spaghetti sauce yourself!
Flambeau 6510TG-DS Compact Upside-Down Patio Garden     There are many places where you can go wrong when it comes to garden grow lights for an indoor garden. There are only three types of lights that are really cut out for growing plants. They are fluorescent grow lights, metal halide (MH) grow lights, and high pressure sodium (HPS) grow lights. Any of these can be used as a garden grow light.

     Light loses it's "punch" quickly as it travels away from the bulb. Plants  need to be kept within a certain distance from the light. This is especially true with fluorescent lights.
     Thanks for reading my blog on growing tomatoes indoors. Please feel free to comment or email me with any suggestions or questions.


  1. Hi Steve,

    Frank Gardner here - (yes my real name :)) Been working and living in a big city for a number of years and decided to try growing tomatoes and peppers indoors this year. Peppers have done pretty well, both chilies and sweet varieties, tomatoes not so much. Now the summer is over and outside plants are dying - I am trying to keep mine growing! Also, I have grown a sum total of 3 tomatoes on 6 plants - so an average of 1/2 a tomato per plant... not so impressive. I have bought special LED red and blue grow lights and I am playing with light levels... What do you think of LED lighting? Any experiences?

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